MON has resources and services designed to make your visit more comfortable and accessible.
General Information
Specific Information
People with reduced mobility
All spaces are accessible by ramps and elevators.
MON has wheelchairs available for loan. They can be requested at reception and are for indoor use only.
Availability is subject to existing units and according to the order of arrival.
It will not be possible to reserve wheelchairs.
The Museum is not responsible for the misuse of equipment on loan.
- ·Always choose to use the elevator
The use of the connecting ramps between the floors of the main building is not recommended for people in wheelchairs, due to the steep slope.
Pregnant women, nursing mothers or people with children
The act of breastfeeding is welcome in all areas of the Museum. If you wish to be in a quieter place to breastfeed, we suggest the Mini Auditorium (basement floor) and the “Espaço do Visitante” (Visitor Space, 2nd floor of the Torre do Olho).
The Museum does not allow entrance with food and/or beverages. If children need to be fed with a bottle, the access to the Museum must be authorized by the Security staff. Bottle feeding must always be done outside the exhibition spaces.
Autistic and/or neurodivergent people
MON offers materials to assist in planning your visit to the Museum: the Visual Narrative shows, through images and short texts, what can be expected from the visit, and the Sensory Map indicates which are the most common sensory stimuli throughout the different spaces in the Museum. Click below to consult these materials.
Visit preparation materials
Sunflower Lanyard
MON recognizes and offers its visitors the Sunflower Lanyards, which signal hidden disabilities. The lanyards can be taken by visitors for use in other spaces or during their next visit to the Museum.
Noise mufflers
Disposable earmuffs are available to minimize possible noise. To have access to sunflower lanyards and earmuffs free of charge, simply request them at the Museum reception.
Sensory Accommodation Room
In case of discomfort during your visit, MON has the Sensory Accommodation Room, a space with reduced sensory stimuli located on the 1st floor of the main building, next to Exhibition Room 1.
* The sensory stimuli present in temporary exhibitions can be consulted on the page of each exhibition or in the access area to the exhibition room.
Access with assistance dogs
duly registered assistance dogs are welcome at the MON. The presentation of the animal's credential to the Security team is compulsory and essential (Municipal Decree No. 1.530/2022).
Dogs whose credentials are not presented will therefore be prevented from accessing the Museum and cannot be left unattended.
Blind people
In addition to signaling ramps, stairs and elevators with tactile flooring, MON offers its blind or visually impaired visitors the “MON for Everyone” (MON para Todos) space, which features three-dimensional works in original and miniature scale sizes that can be explored by all visitors.
The tactile floor, from the “MON for Everyone” (MON para Todos) program, takes visitors from the access to the Museum, on Rua Marechal Hermes, to the Sculptures Courtyard, passing through the Ticket Office/ MON Shop/ MON Café, through the Poty Lazzarotto Auditorium, through access to the exhibitions and returning to the same starting point.
Access with guide dogs
Duly registered guide dogs are welcome at the MON. The animal's credential must be presented to the Security team (Federal Decree No. 5.904/2006).
Dogs whose credentials are not presented will therefore be prevented from accessing the Museum and cannot be left unattended.
Access to Perceive
The program “Access to Perceive” (Acesse para Perceber) makes available, through QR codes, the audio description of some artworks and spaces of MON.
These contents are currently available in the exhibitions “Asia: the Earth, the Men, the Gods” (Ásia: a Terra, os Homens, os Deuses, Exhibition Room 5); “Africa, Artistic Expressions of a Continent” (África, Expressões Artísticas de um Continente, Exhibition Room 4) and at the Eye (Olho).
Learn more about the Access to Perceive program
Deaf people
Videoconferences, mediations and educational workshops held in video format are translated into Libras (Brazilian Sign Language). See these contents on MON's YouTube channel.
Access with assistance dogs
Duly registered assistance dogs are welcome at the MON. The presentation of the animal's credential to the Security team is compulsory and essential (Municipal Decree No. 1.530/2022).
Dogs whose credentials are not presented will therefore be prevented from accessing the Museum and cannot be left unattended.
MON for Everyone
The "MON for Everyone" (MON Para Todos) educational program expands access for people with disabilities to the contents developed by the Museum through initiatives aimed at different needs and audiences.
Learn more about the "MON for Everyone" (MON para Todos) program
NAP - Access and Participation Team
With an institutional policy of welcoming different audiences, MON consolidates itself, year after year, as a dynamic institution, open to artistic dialogue and the exchange of multiple experiences.
Plural and inclusive, MON created in 2019 the NAP - Access and Participation Team (Núcleo de Acesso e Participação), which brings together a multidisciplinary team with the mission of improving access for all audiences to the works in the collection and to the activities offered by the institution.
The objective is to increasingly insert the community into the Museum, actively participating in its actions and proposals.
Currently, NAP has been developing projects that focus on people in the Autism Spectrum (Assistance Program for Autistic Audiences); raises awareness of art among its staff (I Take Part! program); as well as proposing improvements to accessibility conditions in the Museum’s spaces and contents.
To contact NAP, write to: nap@mon.org.br.