
Before and now, far and here within

The Oscar Niemeyer Museum is a living space for dialogue, research, and constant exchange between professionals in the artistic and educational sectors with the public. 

Our proposal with the project "Before and Now, Far and Here Within," which culminated in this unprecedented exhibition, is to generate educational content for MON (Oscar Niemeyer Museum), based on a deep dive into its rich and diverse archives, aiming to establish dialogues between the Museum and Brazilian contemporary art.

  • Artist

    Ailton Krenak, Alice Yamamura, Aline van Langendonck, Amélia Toledo, Américo Vespúcio, Anita Malfatti, Ayrson Heráclito, Burle Marx, Cícero Dias, Didonet Thomaz, Dorothea Wiedemann, Edu Simões, Efigênia Rolim, Espedito Rocha, Felipe Prando, Fernanda Castro, Fernanda Magalhães, Georgia Kyriakakis, Gustavo Caboco, Gustavo Magalhães, João Groff, João Urban, Julia Kater, Juliana Stein, Juraci Dorea, Kamikia Kisedje, Leonor Botteri, Lia Chaia, Martín Chambi, Maya Weishof, Miguel Bakun, Milla Jung, Oscar Niemeyer, Paulo Bruscky, Raphaela Melsohn, Raquel Garbelotti, Regina Parra, Regina Vater, Rosana Paulino, Tiago Sant’ana, Tomie Ohtake, Tony Camargo, Vera Chaves Barcellos and Willian Santos

  • Curatorship

    Galciani Neves

  • Exhibition period

    From 29 de fevereiro de 2024

  • Until 25 de agosto de 2024

  • Location

    Room 11

  • Plan your visit


We understand that the permanent collection of a museum is its heart. It is important to highlight that MON's collection currently comprises 14,000 artworks, having quintupled in size in recent years and being increasingly valued. Proof of this is that about half of the exhibitions held by the institution, such as this one, aim to present it to the public.

The "Before and Now" project, more than that, is part of the Museum's broad educational proposal. It stemmed from research coordinated by Professor and Art Curator Galciani Neves, along with the MON team, which began in 2023.

Through studies and the realization of a seminar, a hundred works produced by dozens of artists that make up our collection were chosen. These are works considered relevant both to the artistic production context of the city of Curitiba and to the history of art in the state of Paraná and Brazil, thus celebrating the diversity and importance found in the Museum.

By bringing together such works — created by artists, times, and languages ​​so distinct — we suggest a diverse coexistence. It is an intriguing way to invite the visitor to immerse themselves in the institution's permanent collection.

Juliana Vellozo Almeida Vosnika 

Chief Executive Officer | Oscar Niemeyer Museum

Virtual exhibition

MON is alongside major museums in Brazil and around the world on the Google Arts & Culture platform. Visit our exhibitions in virtual format. Find out more about this exhibition on the Google Arts & Culture platform.

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Exhibition Attributes

Physical space

Movement restriction

Sound stimulus

Noisy Space

Sound stimulus

Unexpected Sound

Visual stimulus

Blinking light

Olfactory stimulus

Strong smell

Visit the exhibition

Exhibition period

Until 25 de agosto de 2024


Room 11


Access until 5:30 pm

Ticket sales

R$ 36 full-price | R$ 18 half-price
Free admission every Wednesday


Events, exhibitions and other activities at MON.