

Dialogues with the Contemporary

The Oscar Niemeyer Museum is holding the second edition of the exhibition "Africa, Artistic Expressions of a Continent", which is made up of a selection of the great collection of African art objects from the 20th century, donated to MON by the Ivani and Jorge Yunes Collection in 2021.

At this stage, in addition to the pieces from the collection, the show will show works by six Brazilian artists, which motivates its new title: "África: Dialogues with the Contemporary".

The exhibition is curated by Paula Braga and Renato Araújo da Silva and intends to highlight, with the mix between African pieces and contemporary works, the miscegenated core of Western culture and the undeniable presence of Africa in art and spirituality.

  • Artist

    Arjan Martins, Fernando Velázquez, Julio Vilani, Paulo Nenflídio, Pjota e Rosana Paulino

  • Curatorship

    Paula Braga and Renato Araújo

  • Exhibition period

    From 24 de junho de 2023

  • Until 28 de janeiro de 2024

  • Location

    Room 4

  • Livre

  • Plan your visit


In the new edition of the African art exhibition, MON promotes a dialogue with contemporary artists

The exhibition “Africa, Artistic Expressions of a Continent”, held by the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON) with works from its collection, wins a second edition:

“Africa: Dialogues with the Contemporary”, which will be inaugurated on June 24, in Sala 4. The curatorship is by Paula Braga and Renato Araújo da Silva.

The exhibition is a part of the great donation made by the Ivani and Jorge Yunes Collection (CIJY) to MON, in 2021, with approximately 1,700 works from one of the most important and significant collections of African art objects of the 20th century.

“Now the exhibition has been renewed with the proposal to establish an instigating dialogue with works by contemporary artists”, explains MON's CEO, Juliana Vosnika. Proving the power of this interlocution, Fernando Velázquez, Paulo Nenflídio, Rosana Paulino, Arjan Martins, Julio Vilani, and Paulo Nimer Pjota have some of their works alongside the collection of works that belong to the MON collection.

If, throughout history, artists such as Picasso, Matisse, and Braque have been aesthetically inspired by that continent to recreate Western artistic concepts, such influence is maintained and renewed.

“Today we are talking about artists who investigate artificial intelligence, for example, and here they bring us works produced by an algorithm, based on the analysis of multiple images of African art”, says Juliana. “Or electronic technology that allows us to participate in the forest sounds emitted by the interesting communication between the digital circuits of sculptures.”

A museum exists based on its collection, but it is through the interaction between the public and its works that culture and knowledge are disseminated. “We are certain that the grand collection of African art will always be a source of thought-provoking and enriching experiences”, says the director-president.

“The exhibition, which is a landmark for MON and the entire State of Paraná, gains new nuances. A living and pulsating museum needs to promote this dialogue between the past and the present to instigate and always offer something new to the public”, says Secretary of State for Culture, Luciana Casagrande Pereira.

Dialogues with the contemporary

According to the curator of the exhibition “Africa, Artistic Expressions of a Continent”, Renato Araújo da Silva, the works donated to MON in 2021 were acquired over more than 50 years by the couple Ivani and Jorge Yunes, owners of one of the largest art collections in Brazil.

“Considering that Brazilian culture has African ancestors both on the side that came from Europe and on the side that came directly from Africa, the exhibition ‘Africa: Dialogues with the Contemporary’ puts pieces from MON’s collection of African art in contact – donation of the Ivani and Jorge Yunes Collection – with works produced by six Brazilian artists that demonstrate the miscegenated core of Western culture”, explain the curators.

By denial or clear adherence, African culture is the basis of European artistic production. “In the proposed mix of African pieces and contemporary Brazilian works, the miscegenated core of Western culture is evident and the undeniable presence of Africa in art, spirituality and contemporary efforts to establish a healthier relationship between peoples and with the Earth”, said Paula Braga and Renato Araújo.


Paula Braga is a Professor of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at UFABC. Researching art, philosophy, and psychoanalysis, she published “Contemporary Art: Ways of Using” (Ed. Elefante, 2021) and “Hélio Oiticica: Singularity, Multiplicity” (Ed. Perspectiva, 2013). She edited the collection “Loose Wires: The Art of Hélio Oiticica” (Ed. Perspectiva, 2008) and publishes it in art catalogs and magazines.

Renato Araújo da Silva is a Philosophy historian from the University of São Paulo, a collaborating professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU-USP), and author, among other published works, of the book “Outra África: Trabalho e Religiosidade (2020)”; “Afro-Brazilian Art: Ups and Downs of a Concept” (Ed. Ferreavox, 2016). Curator and researcher, he worked at the Afro Museum and held other exhibitions in museums, such as the Sacred Art Museum in São Paulo and the Religious Diversity Museum in Olímpia (SP).

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Exhibition period

Until 28 de janeiro de 2024


Room 4



Access until 5:30 pm

Ticket sales

R$ 36 full-price | R$ 18 half-price
Free admission every Wednesday


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